Read more about the article The dangers of security intelligence failure in the governance systems and the economy of Sierra Leone
Soldiers patrolling streets in Freetown on 26th November 2023

The dangers of security intelligence failure in the governance systems and the economy of Sierra Leone

By Santigie Abu Kamara   Introduction There would undoubtedly be security issues in a country with so many uncontrolled areas, open borders, and no restrictions on the entry of foreign…

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Read more about the article HRCSL applauds President Bio for assuring due process in November 26 incident investigation, prosecution
Patricia Narsu Ndanema - Chairperson HRCSL

HRCSL applauds President Bio for assuring due process in November 26 incident investigation, prosecution

By; Amara Thoronka     In a press statement, dated Monday, 27th November, 2023,and signed by chairperson Patricia NarsuNdanema, the Human Right Commission Sierra Leone (HRCSL) applauded President Bio for…

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Read more about the article Le50 million reward for info leading to arrest of November 26 escapees 
William Sellu - Inspector General of Sierra Leone Police

Le50 million reward for info leading to arrest of November 26 escapees 

By; Amara Thoronka     Sierra Leone Police (SLP) has placed a Fifty Million Old Leone [equivalence of Fifty Thousand New Leone] for anyone who provides the police with information…

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Read more about the article ECOWAS calls for arrest, prosecution of persons involved in breaking into military armoury
Security forces patrolling streets in Freetown

ECOWAS calls for arrest, prosecution of persons involved in breaking into military armoury

By; Amara Thoronka     The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has condemned the break into the military armoury at the Wilberforce Military Barracks in Freetown, capital of…

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