Sierra Leone Water Company


Tower Hill, P M Bag 42, Freetown, Sierra Leone

+232 79 846 906/+232 30 625 092




Date: Thursday, 21st March, 2024

Vehicle Maintenance & Service

Procurement Number: SLWC/ADMIN/NCB/2024/001


  1. The Sierra Leone Water Company has received funds from the Government of Sierra Leone and has set aside funds for its operations. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the funds will be used to cover eligible payments, under ‘Framework’ contracts with suppliers/service providers for the procurement of: Vehicle Maintenance & Service;
Description of Goods/Services Qty Amount of Bid Security (Le) Delivery Period
Vehicle Maintenance & Service Various 21,600.00 Framework


  1. The Sierra Leone Water Company now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the supply of the following goods/services as per the following.
  2. Bidders can bid for one or more Lots and Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding procedures in accordance with the Sierra Leone Public Procurement Act, 2016 and revised Regulation 2020. Bidding is open to all eligible bidders, who can demonstrate the ability to supply the correct specification of the aforesaid services within the specified time and financial capability to supply the required services. The successful bidder(s) will be required to sign a framework contract which will last for one (1) year for all the goods and services listed in the schedule of requirement.
  3. A framework contract is one which is adopted by a purchaser:
  4. Where the items are needed “On Call” but where the quantity and timing of the requirements cannot be defined precisely in advance; or
  5. To reduce lead times for items which are needed repeatedly or continuously over that period, by having them available on a “Call Off” basis
  6. Payment under this contract shall be for actual quantity delivered using the fixed unit price specified in your bidding documents.
  7. Interested bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at The Procurement Unit, Sierra Leone Water Company, Tower Hill, Freetown from 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Mondays to Thursdays and 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 P.M, Fridays inclusive, except on public holidays,
  8. Bidding documents may be purchased at the Procurement Unit upon payment of a non-refundable fee of NLE 1,000.00 (One Thousand Leones). Payment should be made in cash at the following banks:


Bank of Sierra Leone details:

Account Name: NPPA-Revenue from Sale of Bidding Documents

Account Number: 0111003981

BBAN: 000001011100398165


 Sierra Leone Commercial Bank details:

Account Name: NPPA-Revenue from Sale of Bidding Documents

Account Number: 003001081791112183



Rokel Commercial Bank details:

Account Name: NPPA-Revenue from Sale of Bidding Documents

Account Number: 02-011012428

BBAN: 002001002101242863.

with the payment slip submitted to the Account Unit and the payment receipt submitted to the Procurement Unit Sierra Leone Water Company, Tower Hill, Freetown.

  1. Sealed Bids must be marked on the outer envelope “Procurement for vehicle maintenance and services”. One original plus three copies of each bid, delivered to the above office on or before 12:00PM (Sierra Leone Time) on Thursday, 18th April, 2024, and must be accompanied by the following documentation:
  • A valid business registration certificate.
  • A copy of a valid business licence
  • A valid Tax Clearance Certificate.
  • A valid NASSIT Clearance Certificate.
  • A valid Local Council/Municipal Licence/Certificate.
  • A Completed and Signed Bid Form (See pages…… of the bidding document)
  • One original copy and three photocopies of the bid document.
  • Detailed Price List
  • A signed Integrity Pact; [see attached]
  • Evidence of Similar Experience
  • An SLRSA Certificate (Vehicle Maintenance and Servicing)

9 Bids will be publicly opened on Thursday, 18th April 2024, at 12 noon (Sierra Leone Time) in the presence of bidders or bidders’ representatives and anyone who chooses to attend, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders.

Please direct all enquiries for the purposes of clarification to the address below,

Attn: The Procurement Officer

Sierra Leone Water Company (SALWACO)

Tower Hill, P.M Bag 42,


Tel…+232 78-173-007


Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders.

Copy right –Printed in the Expo Times News on Friday, April 5th, 2024 (ExpoTimes News – Expo Media Group (