Elli Rose Orphanage

For the past six years, Elli Rose Orphanage in Sierra Leone has been a beacon of hope for less privileged children, particularly orphans. Under the leadership of Pastor Moses Serry, the country director, the orphanage has transcended boundaries of tribe, religion, and race to support vulnerable children, not only in Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom but across Sierra Leone.

Reflecting on the mission of Elli Rose Orphanage, Pastor Serry emphasized the organization’s unwavering commitment to providing essential learning materials such as books, uniforms, bags, and shoes to children in need. “It’s not just about charity; it’s a God-given mandate to us, especially pastors, to help the less fortunate,” said Pastor Serry.

Throughout its six years of existence, the orphanage has prioritized education as a pathway to a brighter future. The support offered by Elli Rose Orphanage has helped countless children across the country attend school with the resources they need, making a lasting impact on their lives and communities.

In partnership with Sewing Seeds, an organization dedicated to supporting the less privileged, Elli Rose Orphanage also empowers families by providing additional resources for self-sufficiency. While the orphanage’s roots are in Kaffu Bullom, its outreach extends far beyond, reaching as far as Port Loko District and other regions in Sierra Leone.

By extending its hand to those most in need, regardless of background, Elli Rose Orphanage exemplifies the true essence of compassion and selflessness. As Pastor Serry puts it, the work of the orphanage is more than a charitable program—it is a mission deeply rooted in faith, aiming to uplift those who need it most.

The orphanage’s dedication to its mission has been a source of inspiration and a testament to the power of community support and love. As it continues to serve, Elli Rose Orphanage is poised to expand its reach, ensuring that more children across Sierra Leone have access to the education and resources necessary for a successful future.

This program stands as a powerful reminder of the difference that can be made when individuals and organizations step forward to support the less privileged. With its expanding presence throughout Sierra Leone, Elli Rose Orphanage, alongside Sewing Seeds, continues to change lives, one child at a time.