By: Mustapha Momoh


In a poignant address at the 2024 ECOSOC Special Meeting on International Cooperation in Tax Matters, Mrs. Tuma Adama Gento-Kamara, Chairperson of the Board of the National Revenue Authority of the Republic of Sierra Leone, underscored the critical need for inclusive and effective international tax cooperation to foster sustainable development and promote equality.

Expressing deep appreciation for the convening of the Special Meeting, Mrs. Gento-Kamara emphasized the significance of the principal focus, which aims to identify effective approaches to fiscal policies for inclusive and sustainable development, as well as to support a fair, inclusive, and effective international tax system.

In her remarks, Mrs. Gento-Kamara highlighted the importance of capacity building, particularly for developing countries, in addressing aggressive tax avoidance and evasion. She emphasized the necessity of tailored initiatives that encompass technical assistance, knowledge sharing, and institutional capacity building to meet the unique needs and challenges faced by each country.

Drawing attention to Sierra Leone’s strides in transitioning from manual to digital tax systems, Mrs. Gento-Kamara stressed the importance of adapting to the evolving dynamics of the digital economy and emerging trends in international taxation. She underscored the imperative of equipping tax authorities with the necessary skills and tools to navigate this complex terrain effectively.

Mrs. Gento-Kamara concluded her address by reaffirming Sierra Leone’s commitment to international cooperation in tax matters and called upon all stakeholders to redouble their efforts in building the capacity of nations to address the challenges of the 21st-century tax landscape.

The remarks by Mrs. Tuma Adama Gento-Kamara at the ECOSOC Special Meeting signal Sierra Leone’s unwavering dedication to advancing global efforts towards a more equitable, transparent, and sustainable international tax regime.


See below the full statement;














18 March 2024

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Esteemed Experts on Tax Matters

Distinguished Delegates, 


  1. The delegation of Sierra Leone expresses deep appreciation for the convening of the 2024 ECOSOC Special Meeting on International Cooperation in Tax Matters.


  1. The principal focus of this Special Meeting “to identify effective approaches to fiscal policies for inclusive and sustainable development and to support a fair, inclusive, and effective international tax system” is of utmost significance to the Government of His Excellency Dr Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone.


  1. We take note of the two key themes of our dialogue: firstly, promoting inclusive and effective international tax cooperation at the UN, following General Assembly resolution 78/230 (of 22 December 2023); and secondly, exploring the role of net wealth taxes in promoting equality and financing the SDGs.


  1. I thank the esteemed keynote speaker and the panel for the stimulating discussion on first theme. In noting the time limitation, let me focus on a critical aspect promoting inclusion, that is, capacity building. The General Assembly in adopting resolution 78/230, also establishes an Ad Hoc Committee mandated to develop draft terms of reference for a United Nations framework convention on international tax cooperation.


  1. As noted in concept paper for our meeting, the General Assembly has directed the Ad Hoc Committee, in drafting the terms of reference to, inter alia, “to take into account the needs, priorities and capacities of all countries, in particular developing countries”. A challenge for developing countries in dealing with aggressive tax avoidance and tax evasion, is capacity, and thus serves as part of the barriers to domestic resource mobilization by developing countries.


  1. In this era of globalization and interconnectivity, the importance of robust tax systems and effective collaboration between nations cannot be overstated. In Sierra Leone, for instance, we have come a long way in overhauling our manual tax systems to full-fledged digital operations.


  1. We have noted that at the heart of international tax cooperation lies the imperative to build and strengthen the capacity of nations to administer and enforce their tax laws effectively. This requires a multifaceted approach encompassing technical assistance, knowledge sharing, and institutional capacity building initiatives tailored to the unique needs and challenges faced by each country. We acknowledge the significant progress made so far and, but we cannot ignore the imperative of sustained knowledge sharing in critical areas of cooperation.


  1. In addition to fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and good governance within tax administrations, capacity building initiatives should be tailored to address the evolving dynamics of the digital economy and emerging trends in international taxation. As digitalization transforms the economic landscape and challenges traditional tax norms, it is important to equip tax authorities with the skills and tools needed to navigate this complex terrain effectively.


  1. In conclusion, effective international cooperation in tax matters hinges on our collective commitment to building and strengthening the capacity of nations to administer their tax systems effectively. By investing in capacity building initiatives that empower tax authorities, foster collaboration, and promote good governance, we can pave the way for a more equitable, transparent, and sustainable global tax regime.


  1. I assure you of the Sierra Leone’s commitment to international cooperation in tax matters and call on all to redouble our efforts to build the capacity of nations to address the challenges of the 21st century tax landscape. I thank you for your attention.


Copy right –Printed in the Expo Times News on Friday, March 22nd, 2024 (ExpoTimes News – Expo Media Group (