Air Sierra Leone: A Game Changer in Aviation

 Transport Minister Alhaji Fanday Turay, Information Minister C Bah and others just after the official launch The official launch of Sierra Leone’s airline, Air Sierra Leone at a press conference on Saturday 12th December, 2024 has been greeted with excitement by most Sierra Leoneans who wasted no time in describing it as a game changer […]

The Right to Education – A Lifeline for Future Generations

By Aminata Bah… This content is for Individual Monthly Subscription, Individual Quarterly Subscription – (10% Discount), Individual Half Year Subscription – (15% Discount), Individual Annual Subscription – (30% Discount), Institutional Monthly Subscription, Institutional Quarterly Subscription – (10% Discount), Institutional Half-year Subscription – (15% Discount), and Institutional Annual Subscription – (30% Discount) members only.Login Join Now...

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   Media & Public Relations in the 21st Century

By John Kamara   Public relations (PR) and the media share a dynamic and mutually beneficial relationship. PR professionals work to build and maintain a positive image for their clients, whether individuals, organizations, or brands, while the media serves as a channel to communicate these messages to the public. In this exchange, PR professionals strive…...

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Mental Health Awareness…

Breaking the Stigma in African Societies By Michaella Faith Wright   In recent years, mental health awareness has gained momentum globally, yet African societies continue to grapple with significant challenges related to mental health. Cultural stigmas, lack of resources, and limited access to mental health care contribute to the underreporting and misunderstanding of mental health…...

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RAIC Boss Receives Award As Most Outstanding Information & Communication Specialist in Africa

By Amara Thoronka      Dr Seaga Shaw displaying his award just after receiving it Dr Seaga Shaw (far right) and Hon. Melrose Karminty (Center) displaying their awards with well-wishers including NASSIT DG Fuad Daboh, LCA DG Fodeba Dabor, and Deputy Trade Minister, Hon Ramatulai Kargbo   Dr Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, the Chairman and Information…...

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The Importance of Traffic Lights and Road Signs

By Sorie Rahman Sesay     In every walk of life, there is a different form of communication that is understood by people in that field; therefore, the field of driving is not an exception. Traffic lights and road signs, symbols and writings that serve as universal language meant to be understood by drivers and […]

RAIC’s Regional Offices Join 10th Anniversary Celebration    

The regional offices of the Right to Access Information Commission (RAIC) last week joined the national secretariat in Freetown to commemorate ten years since the Commission’s establishment in 2014, following the enactment of the Right to Access Information (RAI) Act in 2013. A         s the RAIC national secretariat kickstarted the 10th anniversary celebrations in Freetown […]

Transparency and Accountability in Organizational Management: A Public Administration Perspective

By Isatu Karim     Introduction As a student of public administration and management, I recognize that transparency and accountability are not just buzzwords; they are essential components of effective organizational management. In today’s complex and interconnected world, organizations—whether public, private, or profit, non-profit—must embrace these principles to enhance their credibility, improve performance, and foster…...

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The Wastage of Water at Aberdeen: A Growing Concern

By Sorie Rahman Sesay     Water is one of the most essential commodities for human survival, as the famous saying goes, “Water is life.” This highlights the crucial role it plays in sustaining all forms of life. Despite Sierra Leone’s tropical location, which enjoys a generous supply of water, many people still lack access […]