By Expo Staff Writer


 The African Development Conference (ADC) has bestowed a prestigious continental award on the Honourable Vice President Dr Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh for his leadership in securing the Four Hundred and Eighty Million United States Dollars (US$480m) fund from the United States’ Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). The award was announced and delivered at a two conference jointly organized by the African Development Conference, Bold Solutions, and the Sierra Leone Local Content Agency on 10th-11th October, 2024

It could be recalled that, acting on the directives of His Excellency the President Brigadier (Rtd) Dr Julius Maada Bio, Vice President Juldeh Jalloh led, throughout, Sierra Leone’s collective effort in unprecedentedly meeting the MCC Compact eligibility criteria. The MCC Compact is hoped to transform significantly the country’s energy sector with an expectation to realize sustainable energy supply.

It is against this backdrop that the reputable continental establishment [African Development Conference] deemed it appropriate to recognize Dr. Jalloh for leading such a first-in-history achievement for the country.

Recently, President Julius Maada Bio and his wife First Lady Fatima Bio took to social media to heap motivating compliments and praises on Vice President Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh for the same leadership role in getting the MCC fund.

“Despite the challenges, I encouraged him to do everything within his power to ensure that Sierra Leone secured this vital funding,” the President stated, adding that VP Jalloh’s successful negotiation of that huge support from the US Government demonstrated his capability and commitment towards Sierra Leone’s development.

In her complimentary remark, First Lady Fatima Bio wrote on Facebook:

“Let me take this opportunity to salute Dr. Mohammed Juldeh Jalloh, the Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone and the nation’s MCC chairperson. Your leadership has made the difference we needed to see our nation achieve the MCC.

You people took the instructions of your Boss HE Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, seriously by making sure Sierra Leone win at the end of the day. Dr Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh, I celebrate your visionary leadership, leading with no noise and deliver with a BANG. Thank you Sir, we are grateful.”

The United States Congress has already approved the said fund to Sierra Leone.

Similar compliments on the Vice President have been pouring from both government and non-state actors.

The Executive Director of the National Investment Board, Dr Hinga Sandy received the award on behalf of the Vice President at the Bintumani International Conference Centre on the first day of the 2-day conference.