By Mohamed Gbla


As climate change intensifies, African nations grapple with increased financial instability. This story explores how extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, are causing significant economic losses, leading to a surge in national debts. It delves into the vicious cycle of borrowing for recovery, only to be hit by another climate catastrophe.

In the heart of West Africa, Sierra Leone, a land of stunning landscapes and diverse cultures, is home to a small coastal village named West Africa. The village, known for its vibrant fishing community, is nestled between the roaring Atlantic Ocean and the lush green mountains. The climate here is tropical, with a dry season from November to April and a rainy season from May to October.

Our protagonist, a fisherman named Sierra Lowa, lived in West Africa. His life was dictated by the rhythm of the climate. The dry season was a time of abundance, with fish aplenty, and the villagers would rejoice in the bountiful catch. The rainy season, however, was a different story. The heavy rains made the sea rough and dangerous, and fishing became a perilous task.

As years passed, Sierra Lowa noticed a change. The dry seasons were becoming hotter and longer, making the waters too warm for many fish species. The fish started to disappear, and the once plentiful catch reduced drastically. This change threatened not only Sierra Lowa’s livelihood but also the food security of the entire village.

The rainy season brought its own set of challenges. The rains were becoming more intense and unpredictable. The village, located near the coast, was prone to flooding. The floods damaged homes and infrastructure, and the risk of waterborne diseases increased.

Despite these challenges, Sierra Lowa and his village showed remarkable resilience. They started diversifying their income by engaging in small-scale farming during the dry season. They grew crops that could withstand the heat and used innovative irrigation methods to conserve water. During the rainy season, they built elevated houses to protect against floods and practiced good hygiene to prevent diseases.

Sierra Lowa’s story is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the people of Sierra Leone. Despite the adversities brought on by the changing climate, they continue to adapt and survive. Their story is a dance with the climate, a dance of resilience and survival.




Agriculture is the backbone of many African economies. This story investigates how climate change is threatening agricultural productivity, leading to food insecurity and economic instability. It further discusses the financial implications, such as increased import bills and reduced export revenues, and their impact on Africa’s financial stability.


In the fertile plains of Sierra Leone, a small farming community named Magburaka thrived. The villagers, primarily farmers, relied on the predictable weather patterns for their agricultural activities. The rhythm of planting and harvesting was in sync with the seasons, and the village prospered.

Our protagonist, a farmer named Alimamy, was a respected figure in Magburaka. He owned vast farmlands and employed many villagers. His prosperity was tied to the village’s financial stability.

However, the advent of climate change disrupted this harmony. The once predictable weather patterns became erratic. The rainy season, crucial for the growth of crops, was now marked by either torrential downpours causing floods or prolonged dry spells leading to droughts. Both extremes were detrimental to crop growth.

The impact on agricultural productivity was immediate and severe. Crop yields declined drastically, threatening the food security of Kamakwie. But the repercussions extended beyond just food. Alimamy, like many other farmers, had taken loans for seeds, fertilizers, and equipment. With the declining crop yield, repaying these loans became increasingly difficult.

The ripple effect on the village’s economy was significant. Alimamy had to lay off workers, leading to a rise in unemployment. The purchasing power of the villagers decreased, affecting local businesses. The once thriving village was now grappling with financial instability.

But the villagers of Magburaka were resilient. They recognized the need to adapt to the changing climate. Alimamy led the way by diversifying his crops, opting for varieties that were more resistant to extreme weather conditions. He also adopted sustainable farming practices to improve soil health and conserve water.

The local government and international organizations stepped in, providing financial support and training to the farmers. They introduced climate-smart agricultural practices and provided resources for implementing them.

Alimamy’s story is a stark reminder of how climate change can threaten not just the environment but also the financial stability of a community. However, it also highlights the power of adaptation and resilience in the face of such challenges. The villagers of Magburaka continue their struggle, their spirit undeterred, and their resolve unbroken.



In the heart of West Africa, Sierra Leone, a country rich in natural resources, is grappling with the unseen impacts of fuel consumption. The capital, Freetown, is bustling with activity, with vehicles running on gasoline and diesel dominating the roads. These vehicles, while essential for transportation, emit significant amounts of greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change.

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly evident in Sierra Leone. The average annual temperature has increased by 0.8°C since 1960, and projections suggest a further increase of 1.0 to 2.6°C by the 2060s. This rise in temperature has led to more frequent and severe heatwaves, affecting the health and livelihoods of the local population.

Moreover, the country’s dependence on biomass for energy needs, coupled with environmentally unsound mining activities, has led to high rates of deforestation and increased soil erosion. These activities not only release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere but also make the land more susceptible to landslides.

The changing climate has also led to more frequent and severe flooding, contaminating drinking water and leading to the spread of water-borne diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, and typhoid. These floods have become a part of everyday life for many Sierra Leoneans, causing significant damage to homes, streets, and crops. It is fact so fact that, gas helps transportation movement in the country, but it is hazardous when the drops are washed away by water, taking everything into nearby drainages. Those washed away particles too affect water bodies in the city of Freetown.

In conclusion, the use of fuel in Sierra Leone, primarily for transportation and energy needs, has had a profound impact on the country’s climate. The resulting climate change has led to a host of environmental and health issues, posing significant challenges for the country’s future.

Copyright –Published in print in Expo Times Newspaper on Friday, May 10TH, 2024 (ExpoTimes News – Expo Media Group (