Website www.raic.gov.sl



The Right to Access Information Commission RAIC wishes to draw the attention of all Public Authorities of their obligation to complete their 2024 Annual Compliance Report templates for onward submission to the RAIC on or before 15th February, 2025.

Section 41(3) states that every public authority shall report annually to the Commission on the steps it has taken to implement this Act, including a report on the request for information it has received and how these have been dealt with.

The RAIC therefore wishes to inform all MDAs that in as much some Public Authorities have been complying with the said obligations, there are still others which have still not fulfilled their obligation. The RAIC wishes it to be known that action will be taken against MDAs that do not meet the 15th February, 2025, deadline including court action.

The template for the Annual Compliance Report is available for download at www.raic.gov.sl. Once completed, it should be submitted via email to the following RAIC officials: amaraa2021@gmail.com and bendumattu92@gmail.com.

The RAIC secretariat situated at 58 Kroo Town Road, Freetown, is open to Public Authorities who may have questions or seek further clarification(s) on the Annual Compliance Report templates or call /+23278342501/+23288283632/+23278407847