Still in the

By Ishmail Saidu Kanu, Esq.

I am saddened to state that it’s been years since I was truly surprised by events in our football polity. Unfortunately, we are usually overwhelmed by inglorious issues. I tend to ask: What is wrong with us? Sometimes, we appear to make progress, and all of a sudden, the seeming progress is reversed for the worse – a case of one step forward and two steps backward. Two happenings caught my attention about a week ago and deserve my perspective.

I saw a correspondence from SLFA trending on social media entitled: “Notification for SLFA Ordinary Congress 2024: Place and Date of the Ordinary Congress.”_ The correspondence attempts to resolve the current legal impasse between the SLFA and the Moyamba District Football Association (MDFA) by announcing a date and place for Congress in compliance with Article 26(2) of the SLFA Statutes – the Acting General Secretary’s October 10, 2024, Congress Notification Letter omitted the place, which warranted the current legal proceedings against the SLFA. Perhaps more importantly, the correspondence calls for members to nominate candidates for its Independent Bodies, which appears to be the chapeau in the legal action brought by the MDFA in the first place.

Once the notification was published, football platforms went into overdrive to analyze the effect of that correspondence, including who won or lost in what appeared to have been a stalemate. For me, there were no winners or losers; football won. In previous discourses, I had stated that those concerned should dispense with egos, use common sense by announcing a new date for Congress, and allow football to breathe. At least this advice struck a chord with nine of the eleven of those elected to superintend football in our jurisdiction. *_The EXCOs may have faltered too often, but not on this one, for which they should be commended.

This significant action brings hope and forward-looking thoughts to our football trajectory. There is still some tidying up before the proposed Congress, including amicably resolving the matter out of court. _However, I am intrigued that the SLFA president did not sign the Congress notification correspondence. Even though it is irrelevant in the larger scheme of things – it does not undermine the EXCO’s authority -_his conspicuous failure to sign does not bode well for collegiality and camaraderie within the EXCO.  Preparing and convening Congress falls within the purview and competence of the EXCO under Article 34 of the SLFA Statutes. The president’s responsibility, among other things, is to implement EXCO decisions through the Secretariat. *_Therefore, the nine signatures represent a clear, unequivocal decision of a body with the relevant legal clothing. Barring anything ex improviso, Congress would be held on March 1, 2025, at the Radisson Blu in Freetown.

Another issue is the premier league match between Diamond Stars and Luawa FC, played over the weekend in Koidu City, Kono District. The incontrovertible fact is that the latter abandoned the game, citing unfair officiating. While I note the decision of the SLFA Referees’ Committee and the PLB’s statement and hope such will continue, _Luawa FC’s decision to leave the match is shockingly shameful and even disgusting that one would attempt to rationalize such behavior. It is mindboggling, incomprehensible, unconscionable, reprehensible, inexcusable, despicable, indefensible, unjustifiable, and undermines gamesmanship, especially for a team in our elite league. No matter the circumstance, they should have continued the match and complained afterward; no “ifs,” no “buts.” All things remaining constant, the decision of the SLFA Referees’ Committee would have been the same anyway.

The club’s Press Release is equally unhelpful and undermines any attempt to save face. Whosoever advised that howler did the club a disservice and should be reprimanded. The cognitive dissonance is disturbing; it speaks to their accursed arrogance, insolence, and disrespect for devoted fans following the game. It falls far below the standards expected of a top-tier team anywhere on earth and should be roundly condemned by all well-meaning football enthusiasts.

The effect of Luawa FC’s act has far-reaching implications on our beautiful game than losing three points. It undermines the game’s growth as fans will feel hard done and short-changed. Fans spend their hard-earned money to watch matches play and are completed, and nothing less. *_Where matches are abandoned, it disincentivizes them to continue flocking to match venues on match days. Where such happens, clubs will be the biggest losers – they will be starved of the much-needed revenue that sustains them.

Abandoning matches has security implications as well. Let’s imagine for a moment that the fans demand a refund, and legitimately so, as the organizers would have breached, barring force majeure. And what if God forbids the fans go bananas and take matters into their own hands? The outcome would be unpredictable and most probably undesirable. Some may accuse me of stretching it too far, but it is possible. Therefore, club officials must bear this in mind and refrain from making decisions with reckless abandon.

It also deprives players of exhibiting their talents before spectators in a competitive match. Players put in shifts by working extremely hard to showcase their skills. _Abandoning matches may psychologically affect some players’ routines, impacting their forms. It’s like a student preparing for exams, but he isn’t sure whether the exams will hold or the grades will be countenanced. Such will undoubtedly affect that student’s study routine and, inevitably, performance. Making matters worse, in the Diamond Stars and Luawa FC case, goals will not be recorded for the players who accounted for them that day. That’s how genuinely demotivating abandoning matches can be.

Luawa FC’s act is disappointing but not surprising. The country’s football remains hostage to impunity at all levels and is distasteful. Instead of being remorseful and showing empathy, a Luawa official brags on WhatsApp, *_”If the horrendous officiating continues, we go do d same thing.”_* This speaks to the mentality of our high horse officials, aptly underscoring the comatose state of our football. *_I do not hold briefs for SLFA match officials – some have been terrible and should have no business officiating any league, let alone the top-tier. However, no controversial officiating should be used as a carte blanche for a team to abandon a match. As a colleague noted, “If you don’t believe in the systems and procedures of the PLB, don’t participate. Simple.”

Although we appreciate the PLB’s decision to award the match points to Diamond Stars, including imposing a fine on Luawa FC, the penalty pales compared to the offense. Their punishment is _de minimis_, as they were already down by two goals when they abandoned the match. _The PLB cannot be faulted, though; the law hamstrings their ability to act tough to ensure deterrence. Such a lacuna should be cured to rescue the integrity of the game by empowering the PLB to deduct points from teams in addition to the extant laws governing the same.  Also, notorious club officials must face severe and long-term sanctions for bringing the game into disrepute.

To conclude, the sad truth is that the integrity of our beautiful game is under threat unless something serious, radical, and urgent is done. Our stakeholders, especially the EXCO, can stop the rot and despondency that continues to be the hallmark of our game. *_They should honestly and sincerely commit to doing justice, even if the heavens fall. Otherwise, anything short of that will be disastrous, and the consequences will be chilling soon. May common sense and good judgment prevail.