BY Dr. Rev. Paul Bala Samura


I maintain that education is the key to national development. In a recent town hall meeting, President Bio said he would only be president if educated. Without education, there would also be no ministers, members of parliaments, mayors, district chairmen, directors, accountants, and civil servants. Quality school facilities are crucial to education because they enhance the excellence of education by providing a conducive learning environment and supporting effective teaching practices. They also ensure the overall well-being of students and staff. Here are some essential facilities that can significantly improve the quality of education, especially among schools:

  1. Well-furnished Classrooms.

 Do school supervisors and inspectors visit all classrooms? Classrooms require modern design, including spacious, well-lit, and ventilated spaces. They should also have flexible seating arrangements and ergonomic furniture that adapt to various teaching methods and learning activities.

Next, technology integration should occur, including classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards, projectors, and internet access, which can facilitate modern teaching techniques and access to digital resources.

  1. Functional Libraries.

How many schools have functional libraries?  Do school supervisors examine those libraries? What kind of resources are in those libraries? Libraries should have comprehensive collections of materials. A well-stocked library with many books, journals, and digital resources supports curriculum requirements and students’ interests. Comfortable, quiet study areas encourage independent learning and research.

How many libraries have digital sources for students and teachers?  What about colleges and universities in Sierra Leone? How many have digital sources?

  1. Equipped Laboratories.

  How many schools have equipped laboratories, especially those that claim to be Science-based?  Fully equipped laboratories for physics, chemistry, biology, and other sciences are essential for practical experiments and hands-on learning.  School supervisors should take inventories of these school facilities and report them to the Ministry of Basic Education for action.  Do we have computer labs in our schools? Up-to-date computer labs with internet access and various software applications support digital literacy and technology-based learning.

  1. Clean and Safe Environment.

 How clean and safe is the environment in our schools? Schools must ensure they have sanitation facilities because clean and well-maintained restrooms and sanitation facilities are essential for hygiene and health. It may surprise the reader that many schools do not have restrooms (toilets), and some that do have them are unhygienic for students’ usage.

            The Ministry of Basic Education should discourage food trading in the school environment. I have seen food vendors around and in some school compounds, often distracting the students from effective learning.

  1. Technology Infrastructure.

 How many schools have Wi-Fi access and IT support? But how many colleges and universities have Wi-Fi for all students, faculty, and staff? If you call (on WhatsApp) a lecturer or staff member from any university, he will not respond because he switched off his data (personal internet data).   Schools should have fast and reliable internet connectivity to support digital learning and access to online resources. On-site IT support ensures that technology infrastructure is maintained and technical issues are quickly resolved.

  1. A School Website.

Ninety percent of those reading this article will say the writer is insane to think that Sierra Leone is developed enough for schools to have websites. We live in a global village, meaning we’re connected through the Internet. Which schools have websites? What about colleges and universities? Some universities have websites that need to be updated or fully equipped. Think of any college, university, school, church, institution, or organization in the West; google it, and you will find everything you seek.  If a school, college, or university has a website, all students, faculty, and staff will have the institution’s email address.  From the recent seminary, I graduated, my email address was and still is, which differs from mine.

  1. Contact details.

How many schools have contact details that anyone can find? Here are the contact details of a school in Richmond, Indiana, with a population of around 36,000.

Richmond High School:



Location: 380 Hub Etchison Parkway, Richmond, IN, USA

Phone: 765973-3424


Twitter: @LearnatRHS

You can call or go to the website of this High School; you will find everything about it.

  1. School Bell Schedule/Timetable.

How many schools have a prepared School Bell or Timetable before the opening of schools? In most schools (primary and secondary), the first two weeks of each term are for fellowship, and the students often say, “Bete learning nor dae na school, so we de sidom nar ose.” Dear reader, visit a school in the first and second weeks of each term, and you find a handful of students and teachers.  I have been to schools that do not have Timetables during the fourth week of the term. Students go to school with no knowledge of the subject they have.  Richmond High School (for 9th-12th grades only) prepared the school bell (Timetable) and sent it to all parents and students two weeks before the opening of school (August 5th).  Here is Richmond, Indiana, USA’s 2024/25 calendar year.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday                   Tuesday

Period 1: 8:15 – 9:10                                                     Period 1: 8:15-8:59

Period 2: 9:15 – 10:07                                                   Period 2: 9:04 – 9:48

Period 3: 10:12 – 11:04                                     Period 3: 9:53 – 10:37

Period 4: 11:09 – 12:38                                     Period 4: 10:42- 12:12

             A lunch 11:09 – 11:39                                      A Lunch 10:42-11:12

B lunch 11:39 – 12:09                                      B Lunch 11:12 – 11: 42

C lunch 12:05 – 12:39                                      C Lunch 11:42-12:12

Period 5: 12:44 – 1:3                                                     Period 5: 1217- 1:01

Period 6: 1:41 – 2:33                                                     Period 6: 1:0-1:50

Period 7: 2:38 – 3:30                                                     Period 7: 1:55-2:39


By investing in these quality facilities, Sierra Leone schools can create an enriched learning environment that supports academic excellence, fosters personal growth, and ensures the well-being of all students and staff.