Sierra Leone’s Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has rated the Sierra Leone Water Company (SALWACO) 91% for the institution’s compliance on key indicators on ethics and integrity. The assessment is part of the ACC’s ongoing efforts to ensure public institutions adhere to ethical and integrity standards.
During a meeting at SALWACO’s headquarters, SALWACO’s Planning and Research Manager, Chrisla Koroma welcomed the ACC team. The engagement followed an earlier compliance assessment conducted in October 2024, when the ACC’s Prevention Department administered the Ethics and Integrity Scorecard Questionnaire to evaluate SALWACO’s compliance with ethics, integrity policies, and structural frameworks.
Presenting the findings, Mr. Musa Kanteh, Head of the Policy & Ethics Unit at the ACC, detailed SALWACO’s performance across four key compliance indicators:
- Management Culture and Structures – 93%
- Financial Management System – 87%
- Administrative System – 85%
- National Anti-Corruption Action Plan Implementation – 100%
With a total score of 365 points, SALWACO achieved an overall compliance rating of 91%, placing it in the category of full compliance.
Mr. Kanteh emphasized that while the score reflects SALWACO’s commitment to ethical standards, it does not absolve any staff from potential corrupt practices. He further highlighted that among 52 Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs), SALWACO and the Ministry of Social Welfare emerged as the most compliant institutions. The ACC will submit the results to the Chief Minister for further review.
In response, SALWACO Directors expressed appreciation for the ACC’s assessment and commended the institution for its high score. Managing Director, Ing. George Lamin Vandi thanked the ACC for its diligence and extended gratitude to the ACC Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner. He reaffirmed SALWACO’s commitment to maintaining high ethical standards.
The meeting, held at the Managing Director’s office, was attended by a cross section of the top SALWACO management.
The ACC team’s visit reinforced the importance of institutional accountability and compliance in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone.
Credit – SALWACO Communications Unit