Expo 2

Deputy Minister of Information and Civic Education, Mr Yusuf Keketoma Sandy Esq delivering the keynote at the event

The Right to Access Information Commission (RAIC) on Thursday 28th September joined UNESCO and other Countries around the globe to commemorate the International Day for the universal Access to Information (IDUAI). A day which was recognised following a resolution adopted at the UN General Assembly on 15thOctober, 2019. It would be recalled that, Sierra Leone, through the efforts of the RAIC, was among 6 countries that co-sponsored the adoption of this UN Resolution.

The ceremony, which was held at the Family Kingdom Resort in Freetown with simultaneous programs held at the Commission’s regional offices in the Country, was aimed at providing opportunity for stakeholders to throw insights and perspectives on  this year’s  global theme “The importance of the online space for Access to Information”.

In his keynote address, the Deputy Minister of Information and Civic Education, Mr.Yusuf Keketoma Sandy Esq.called on citizens to use the online space as a blessing to our nation, and not a curse. He went forward to reaffirm the Government’s commitment to safeguard the rights of every citizen to seek, receive and impart information and commends RAIC’s collaboration with UNESCO in commemorating the Universal Access to Information which he said is globally becoming a philosophy and increasingly being mainstreamed as a development imperative. The Deputy Minister recognised the country’s remarkable progress on the smooth implementation of the Freedom of Information Law compared to other Countries.

“In many countries around the world, activists of right to access information have raised concerns around internet shutdowns, social media restrictions, closing of media outlets, employing outright censorship, banning journalists from attending press conferences and denying citizens access to public information” he said.

“In Sierra Leone, our story is different and inspiring, more citizens have access to the internet, there are no restrictions on the use of social media, there is no media censorship, journalists are motivated and encouraged to attend Government Press Conferences, we have changed the medium of communication at the Press Conference from English to Krio so more citizens can understand, we have introduced sign language interpreters at weekly press conference to make it more inclusive and more citizens have access to public information. Under the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio, Sierra Leone is a shining star for access to information,” the Deputy Minister said.

He concluded by reaffirming governments commitment to safeguard the right of citizens and also called on citizens to commit themselves to what he described as a sacred duty not to use the online space to spread misinformation and hate speech.

A cross-section of participants at the event.

The Opening Statement from the RAIC Chairman and Information Commissioner, Dr Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, who attended the IDUAI global roundtable organised by UNESCO at the Oxford University in the UK, was delivered by the Western Region commissioner, Pst. Mohamed Sesay.

“The celebration of this day is necessary because it makes Sierra Leoneans and stakeholders to reflect on where Sierra Leone is on Freedom of Information, what has worked well, and what we need to do to achieve the objectives of open governance”, said Dr Shaw.

Commissioner Sesay delivering CIC Dr Shaw’s Opening Statement at the event in Freetown

Dr Shaw noted that part 2 Section 2 of the RAI Act provides that everyone has the right to access information held by public authorities but reminded participants that sections 12 to 26 of the same Act provide for exempt information which includes information that cannot be disclosed to the public in the public interest: information such as that which undermines national security, privacy, third party information etc. He added that this applies to information accessed in the online space. “The information accessed in the online space must also be credible and devoid of misinformation and disinformation, as well as hate speech. Unfortunately, we have seen that misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech have been dominating the online space in recent times and we must work together to sanitise this cyber space and at the same promote and protect freedom of expression and access to information on it”, Dr Shaw concluded

RAIC CIC Dr Shaw at the global ATI event in Oxford

The Executive Secretary of the RAIC, Hon. Mustapha Braima, who moderated the occasion in Freetown, said the IDUAI celebration was proclaimed at the UN General Assembly on the basis that Right to Access Information is a fundamental Human Right.

RAIC CIC Dr Shaw posing with an ATI colleague from Egypt at the global event in Oxford

Similar statements were made by the cyber security coordinator, Executive Director of the Society for Democratic Initiatives, Representative from NMJD, MRCG, Master and Registrar, and the Sierra Leone Police, who described the ceremony as a moment of reflection and called on MDA representatives to fully commit to supporting the work of the Commission in the country.

RAIC CIC Dr Shaw posing with other ATI colleagues from Africa at the global event organised by UNESCO at the University of Oxford UK

The event was also commemorated in the other 3 regional headquarters of Makeni, Kenema and Bo where various radio stations were engaged and press conferences held by the Regional Commissioners.

At the global event in Oxford, delegates recognized the role of the internet in access to information and expressed concern that despite progress made in increasing global connectivity to the internet, 2.6 billion people the world over are still without access to the internet. They also recognized the threat that misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech continue to pose to the online space which they insisted was undermining the universal access to credible public information.


Alhaji Bakarr Kanu

Public Information Officer, RAIC.