Leone Rock Metal Group (LRMG) has exemplified a remarkable commitment to community development in Sierra Leone’s Tonkolili District, Northern Province. With a total of 53,056,773,000 billion Leones paid to three chiefdoms as Community Development Agreement Fund within their concessional areas, LRMG has set a new standard for mining companies in the region. Noteworthy is LRMG’s trend of increasing contributions over the years. In 2022, 5.6 billion Leones was paid, in 2023, 20.3 billion Leones CDA was paid culminating in the recent landmark payment, setting a new standard each time.

This significant contribution was made possible by the conducive mining policies implemented by the President of Sierra Leone, HE Maada Bio. These policies prioritize giving back to the people of Sierra Leone, especially the landowners in mining communities. The praise from Hon. Rose Marie Bangura, Hon. Emerson Lamina, and other officials underscores the importance of transparency and partnership between mining companies and the government in fostering socio-economic growth.

LRMG’s CEO, Gilbert Zhao, reaffirmed the company’s dedication to supporting the government’s efforts to enhance the mining industry and promote socio-economic progress in Sierra Leone. By not only meeting but exceeding the 1% of annual gross revenue community development fund requirements, LRMG sets an example for responsible corporate citizenship.

President Julius Maada Bio’s recognition of LRMG’s contributions further emphasizes the positive impact of collaborative efforts between private enterprises and the government. The revision of the community development agreement regulations demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to ensure that mining activities directly benefit the local communities and his vision for empowering people and fostering a conducive investment climate was further highlighted during a recent investment meeting with Chinese companies, showcasing Sierra Leone as an emerging investment destination.

The presence of 25 Chinese investor companies from the biggest steel plant company, logistics and shipping companies etc at the official handover of the CDA fund just weeks after HE Bio’s visit to China signifies Sierra Leone’s growing prominence as an investment destination. President Bio’s commitment to empowering the people and fostering sustainable development aligns with LRMG’s vision for inclusive growth and community prosperity.

In conclusion, Leone Rock Metal Group’s proactive engagement in community development initiatives not only sets a precedent for other companies but also embodies the spirit of partnership and progress in Sierra Leone’s mining sector. As mining companies continue to play a pivotal role in the country’s economic landscape, LRMG stands out for its dedication to advancing the well-being of the communities it operates in.

Copyright –Published in print in Expo Times Newspaper on Monday, May 13TH, 2024 (ExpoTimes News – Expo Media Group (expomediasl.com)