ExpoTimes News Magazine 1 year ago

E.U. lauds A.U. for historic continental free trade pact, pledges support

European Union (E.U.) Commission has lauded the African Union (A.U.) over the historic March 21 continental trade pact that was signed by over forty countries

Diaspora News
Dr. Ibrahim Stevens - Governor, Bank of Sierra Leone

Alusine Fullah


The Bank of Sierra Leone has in a statement warned that Passive Green Well (PGW), an entity which has been enticing individuals to invest in a covert financial scheme via mobile money, is illegal.

“The Bank of Sierra Leone hereby informs the public that it has not granted a license to the said Passive Green Well (PGW) to conduct any financial activity. Such financial activity by the PGW is therefore illegal. The Bank of Sierra Leone strongly warns the general public to desist from dealings/ transacting with the said Passive Green Well by way of any financial activity,” the public notice stated.


Copy right –Printed in the Expo Times News on Monday, November 27th, 2023 (ExpoTimes News – Expo Media Group (expomediasl.com)