Participants posing with their certificates
With theme, “Kaizen for Enhanced Public Service Delivery,” the Ministry of Public Administration and Political Affairs (MoPAPA) with other public/civil servants from Sierra Leone, Ghana, Liberia, and Nigeria; participated in a training program committed to improving public service delivery for West Africa English-Speaking nations.
The said training which is entitled, “Third Country Training Program (TCTP)” was held at the Civil Service Training Centre in Ghana, sponsored by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in collaboration with Ghana’s Civil Service Training Centre.
The training program brough together 29 participants and was held in two (2) phases – online via zoom and in-person, respectively from the 20th to the 31st January 2025, and from the 10th to the 21st February 2025 – aimed at fully grasping the Kaizen Concept, which is a Japanese management philosophy concerned with improving service delivery, transforming mindsets and turning ideas into action – designed for middle level public servants from West Africa English-Speaking nations.
The following were the objectives of the program:
- To introduce the concept of Kaizen and its application in public service delivery.
- Enhancing the skills of English-Speaking West African civil/public servants in improving operational efficiency, embracing new ideas and technology, and fostering effective team work within their respective organizations.
- To foster cross-country collaboration and exchange of best practices among participants from Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone.
- To promote efficient and effective public service delivery through practical skills and knowledge.
Topics covered during the program include:
- Kaizen Overview
- Kaizen Pillars
- Kaizen and other Management Tools (i.e. Learning Management Systems (LMS)
- Introduction to Change Management
- Office Work Ethics and Management
- Muda/ Waste
- Workplace Organization and Cooperation
- Quality Control Circle (QCC) and Kaizen Promotion Team (KPT)
- Discussions on Challenges/ Country Report
- The QC Story
- Action Plan, Presentation and Review
- Process Decision Programme Chart (PDPC)
- Fishbone Diagram Analysis
- Problem Solving
- The Pareto Chart
- Affinity Diagram
- Relationship Model
Some of the followings were put together as recommendations:
- Localized Kaizen models approach to the specific needs of West African countries, incorporating local public service challenges and systems.
- Address technical issues related to the online components by improving the virtual training infrastructure and providing more training on the use of digital tools.
- Establishing a post-training support system to help participants implement Kaizen principles in their respective countries, including a mentoring system or follow-up workshops.
Credit – MoPAPA Communications