Ministry of Labour Wraps


The Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Security on 21st June 2024 in Port Loko District concluded the Provincial Stakeholders Consultative Engagement for the development of Sierra Leone’s first National Social Protection Bill.

This initiative aims to gather insights, ideas, and recommendations from social protection stakeholders to shape the forthcoming law.

This World Bank-funded exercise, initially held in 2022, has been repeated due to complaints from some social protection actors about their exclusion in earlier consultations. The renewed engagement seeks comprehensive input to ensure a robust legal framework for social protection in Sierra Leone.

Once enacted, the Bill will establish a Social Protection Authority. This Authority will coordinate private and public sector interventions and oversee the Social Protection Bread Basket, a fund for social protection activities. Implementing agencies will request funds from this centralized repository to carry out their programmes.

The consultative engagements took place across the four regions of Sierra Leone, and are scheduled to continue in the Western Area (Freetown) next week.

The Bill has received significant support from social protection stakeholders and citizens alike, reflecting a strong communal endorsement of the proposed legislation.

By ensuring broad-based participation, the Government and its partners aim to create an inclusive and effective social protection system that addresses the needs of all Sierra Leoneans.

The successful conclusion of these provincial engagements marks a critical step towards the enactment of a comprehensive social protection law.

Credit: Labour Ministry


Copyright –Published in print in Expo Times Newspaper on Monday, June 24th , 2024 (ExpoTimes News – Expo Media Group (