In a significant move to keep the country off from prohibited and pharmaceutical drugs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its Agency – the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in collaboration with other law enforcement and regulatory agencies on Monday, 10th March, 2025, destroyed a huge quantity of prohibited (Narcotics) and pharmaceutical drugs, that were in the custody of the Transnational Organized Crime Unit (TOCU).
Prior to the destruction, the Head of TOCU CSP Mohamed K Allieu, in his opening remarks said for the past years they have destroyed huge quantity of illegal drugs, and this year’s ceremony also involved public destruction of narcotic and pharmaceutical drugs. He said the destruction is also intended to send a clear signal to the public that the Police and other Law Enforcement and Regulatory Agencies is determined to maintain a rigid stance towards drugs and drugs related activities. He gave a detailed reports on the approval process and also provided an analysis of the assorted categories of drugs that were displayed for public destruction.
Representing the Minister of Internal, Mrs Elizabeth Turay Director of Police Affairs in the
Ministry, said the rampant intake of drugs especially by the youth is destroying the future generation. She disclosed that the framework of the destruction of these drugs is their determination as a nation to tackle drug trafficking and reduce the intake by individuals. Mrs Turay commended the efforts of the fourth estate and members of the public for their maximum support in the fight against drug abuse, acknowledging the fact that their success as a nation in the fight against drug abuse is because of the maximum support from members of the fourth estate and the public. She emphasised that the fight against drug abuse cannot be done alone by the police and other security sector institutions, but also with the support of the public and the community in terms of intelligence gathering. Director Turay also touch base on the high rate of tramadol, noting that from all indications tramadol is really being misuse by individuals, particularly the youth, which is destroying their dreams. She concluded appealing to all security institutions to institute additional measures in the fight against illicit drugs, in order to save the future of the youth.
The Director of Serious Crime Coordination and Counter Terrorism from the Office of National Security (ONS) Sheick Ahmed Bah, said the abuse of drugs is a national scourge, and they must collaboratively and collectively fight together to reduce it. Adding that, it is obligatory to them as a sector to ensure that drugs seized are not recycled. He elaborated on their decision going forward in analysing and identifying recommendations towards the destruction of illegal and nacortic drugs. Mr. Bah reiterated the support of the public in reaching out to them on information gathering on drugs, as very important tool in tackling drug related issues. He noted that the public destruction of drugs will ensure transparency and enhance public confidence in the fight against drug abuse. He ended appealing to the media to be very transparent and straight forward in their reporting, and continue supporting them in the fight against drug abuse.
Most importantly, the keynote speaker and Deputy Executive Director of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Mr. Prince Bull, in highlighting the strides made over the years in the fight against drug abuse, said they understand the proliferation of drugs and its negative impacts on their Country, which is affecting every individual, communities and families. He said the fight against illicit drugs involves every individual, to ensure that the drugs seized are not recycled. He revealed that the destruction of the prohibited drugs as categorized in the order is done in accordance with the provisions in the National Drugs Control Act 2008 to mitigate the risk of recycling and diversion of these substances to the illegal market. He concluded appealing to the public to avoid facilitating the production, transportation and the sales of drugs, to protect the future of their nation.
In attendance were Dr. Sahr Gbormor from Pharmacy Board and RPG Robert Director of Crime Services, who also made valuable contributions in the fight against drug abuse.
Credit: Ministry of Internal Affairs