The Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Monitoring and Evaluation Agency (NaMEA) to provide institutional and professional support and undertake joint exercise in monitoring and evaluating government projects, programmes and activities for accountability purposes.

The ceremony was held in the Audit Service office at the Freetown City Council Building in Freetown on Tuesday 3rd September, 2024.

During the signing ceremony, the Acting Auditor-General, Mr Abdul Aziz, expressed delight over the cordial relationship between the two institutions, emphasising that the signing of the MoU will take the relationship between the two institution to another level. He pointed out that the MoU must not only be seen as a commitment on paper but to translate it into actions or activities that will impact the lives of our citizens or make a difference in the lives of our people.

The Director General of NaMEA, Dr James Edwin described the signing as historic and an improvement of the existing relationship between NaMEA and the ASSL. He noted that the agreement in the MoU should be immediately implemented to prevent wastage in government institutions. He said NaMEA is mandated to not just look at Government projects and programmes but also policies. “We are in a hurry, there is no time to waste. Our efforts should be seen to benefit citizens even in rural communities” Said Dr Edwin. He further stated that NaMEA would embark on follow up on the implementation of the audit recommendations.

The MoU was signed by the Acting Auditor General and the Director General of NaMEA.