Ambassador Kais

Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to Türkiye, His Excellency Mohamed Hassan Kaisamba has engaged his counterpart, the Slovenian Ambassador to Türkiye, Gorazd Renčelj, and has expressed hope for the situation in Gaza.

On 1 January 2024. Sierra Leone and Slovenia, and Algeria, Guyana, Republic of Korea, were elected members of the United Nations Security Council, in the Non-Permanent Category for 2024-2025.

Ambassador Kaisamba noted that the Security Council adopted Resolution 2728 (2024) with a significant majority, demanding an immediate ceasefire respected by all parties involved in the conflict, saying that the resolution served as a critical step towards establishing a sustainable and lasting ceasefire in Gaza, emphasizing the need for peace and stability in the region.

“The UN Security Council plays a crucial role in addressing the war in Gaza by utilizing its authority to maintain international peace and security, particularly focusing on achieving an immediate ceasefire

“The Security Council adopted Resolution 2728 (2024) with a significant majority, demanding an immediate ceasefire respected by all parties involved in the conflict”, he explained.

He called for a coordinated effort of members in Ankara, Türkiye, to rally and support their respective governments in expanding humanitarian assistance, protecting civilians, and ultimately contributing to long-term peacebuilding efforts in Gaza.

Credit – Sierra Leone Embassy Ankara, Türkiye

 Copyright –Published in print in Expo Times Newspaper on Monday, June 7th , 2024 (ExpoTimes News – Expo Media Group (