Dear Tech – Is it time for President Bio to really speak to the people of this country? You and I know that electricity challenges still exist and yes, that is not cool at all. In times like these, fuel scarcity is also beginning to take centre stage. That is another area that should be tackled urgently. Without a doubt, the economic situation of the country is not in the best of terms and situations and so, all things being equal, people should not go through some of these hassles, at least, not now! It is time for Pa Bio to really do something because as it stands, things are just not ROSY!

And yes – Thousands of people just graduated from various universities across the country. From FBC, IPAM and COMAHS (USL), Njala, UNIMAK, Central, UNIMTEH etc, the list is endless. It is worrying that a good number of these grads will have to fend for themselves. Granted, some of them were already employed even before the completion of their various studies, but what does the future hold for those that are still searching for jobs? Is it time for employers to cut down on job experience expectations so as to give some space to these young grads? Maybe the time is truly really now and yes, we all could do this!

The rains are gradually picking shape, but I am not sure that some of our compatriots are. This is one of the countries where people find it pleasing to keep the streets and surroundings very unkept and untidy once it begins to rain. I wish FCC would have thorough monitoring and implementation mechanisms especially in Freetown. This town is truly too ‘FREE’ and that’s very terrible. Some of these things should have no place in a civilized society. It is some of these acts that facilitate flooding because the drainages may easily get blocked. These are man-made vices, but we are quick to forget that they will easily come back at us. A real paradigm shift is truly needed.

Roads and safety measures – Just a few days ago, Dumbuya of SLRSA lost his life in a car crash. It was reported that he was driving alongside his elder brother who was also reported dead. May their souls rest in peace. A night or two ago as well, the Opposition Leader in Parliament, Hon. Abdul Kargbo of Lungi, Port Loko was said to have been involved in a gruesome accident that saw his vehicle summersaulted. Glad he’s safe. Countless other accidents have taken place across the country. Whiles some of them are under reported largely because of the personalities involved, it is crucial for more safety measures to be put in place more so as the rains approach. People should understand that our roads here are not made of and for high speed. It’s a risk not to adhere to that call. Whiles we pray and do all sorts of virtues, we should also try to act right and aptly too. May God Almighty continue to see us all through, Aameen.

 Newsmen, let us be reminded that journalism should remain to be a fact-finding mission and not otherwise. We should know that there is no place for falsehood in journalism and that our duty is to get the facts right. The upholding of framing and priming mechanisms has the proclivity to undermine actual reporting and that is not in the best interest of professionalism. We all owe it to ourselves to continue to maintain and uphold professional standpoints. That is the way to go because we should always have the urge to realize the duty to self and that of society.

Copyright –Published in print in Expo Times Newspaper on Wednesday, May 8TH, 2024 (ExpoTimes News – Expo Media Group (