Sierra Leone’s Chief Justice, His Lordship Honourable Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards has been received in UK, along with three other Chief Justices in the world, including the President of the German Constitutional Court-Stephan Harbarth.

The three Honourable Chief Justices are Justice Dhananjaya Chandrachud-Chief Justice of India; Honourable Justice Richard Wagner- the Chief Justice of Canada and Honourable Justice Ian Winder- the Chief Justice of The Bahamas.

Chief Justice,Hon. Desmond Babatunde Edwards has been received in UK, along with 3 other Chief Justices in the world, including the President of German Constitutional Court-Stephan Harbarth. The Hon.Chief Justices are Dhananjaya Chandrachud; Ian Winder & Richard Wagner of Canada.

Honourable Chief Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards will also grace the swearing-in ceremony of the new Chief Justice of England and Wales.

The international recognition is because of the unprecedented reforms at the Judiciary of Sierra Leone under his leadership. Apart from the increased access to Justice, Sierra Leone, for the first time, has made impressive leap ahead of Nigeria and Mexico in the World Justice, Rule of Law Report.

Credit: Judiciary Communications