By Joseph A. Sesay

Commit and Act Foundation Sierra Leone (CAF-SL) together with the Ministry of Social Welfare (MOSW), Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs (MOGCA) and the Family Support Unit of the Sierra Leone Police (FSU- SLP) Bo West Divisions has on Wednesday 26th September 2023, conducted a One Day Campaign Against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in Mongere Community, Valunia Chiefdom, Bo District.

Funded by Kindermissionwerk and KZE, the SGBV Campaign and Public Education aimed at educating various stakeholders within Mandy, Sengema, Njaluhun, Jopowahun, Kenema Blango, Nyandehun and Baomahun Communities on gender and child protection issues such as early sex, teenage pregnancy, sexual abuse, domestic violence etc.

Participants were able to understand the various national laws such as the Child Rights Act of 2007, the amended Sexual Offenses Act of 2019, the Legal Proceedings of Sexual Penetration Matters and some community bye laws governing the protection of Children and women in the country.