Festivities and Security – It is that time of the year again; DECEMBER. Festivities have taken and will take centre stage, but in all of this, I wish to remind us all to be vigilant and not to treat security with levity. It is very important to adhere to set principles and standards in times like these. This is a time to reflect, a time to think and act accordingly. Remember, it is better to be late than to be sorry. Life is precious. Let us be systematic in our dealings. It matters because we all MATTER!

Peace – We have mostly preached about the peace and tranquillity that Sierra Leone deserves. We must be bold enough to recognize the fact that without peace, nothing else truly matters. Politics will come and go, but peace should remain. Political parties will live and die out, but peace would ever remain sacrosanct. It is important to note that we all should remind ourselves that peace is of and should be of utmost significance in Sierra Leone. The time is now. We say a BIG NO to anything that does not promote and preach PEACE!

School Kids & the Streets – I am particularly concerned about school kids and the streets. We have to be mindful that we have a number of untrained and unqualified drivers in Freetown. Sometimes, I feel like we tend to endanger school pupils that go to school ‘alone’ and or without any superior supervision. This is very crucial and critical. It is important that we continue to protect these kids because we should know that the streets are not entirely safe. This is very important and so it is a topic that deserves to be treated with seriousness.