Editorial independence

In this editorial, we make a strong case on the need for news outlets to be able to set agendas that are reflective of facts and precision. We have observed that the attainment of editorial independence is almost always impossible for most media institutions. It appears that this is largely as a result of media poverty. The situation is terrible.

It is sickening to realize and come to the conclusion that there are media institutions that are into the business only because of the financial gains. When that happens, we tend to see ourselves in situations where we cannot question certain decisions. It is said that you cannot bite the finger that feeds you. Maybe one would only do same if he or she is tired of eating or no longer wants to eat.

In all of this, we are making this call because we feel that all of us have a role to play and that all of us have a chance to improve if we truly want to. In this media space, reputation matters a whole lot and maybe same applies for all other sectors. We must not forget that. We are to equally realize that professionalism has its likes and dislikes. Journalism should be a respected discipline. We need not overstate this. It is therefore recommended to tone down the media wars. We have a responsibility not to ensure that the instant gratifications and non-lasting ones do not get the better of us. Otherwise, we would be in some big mess and that is not a way to go.

Copy right –Printed in the Expo Times News on Friday 3rd November, 2023 (ExpoTimes News – Expo Media Group (expomediasl.com)